4. Mobx in React
React for me it is functions that can render user interface and Mobx is classes that contains state of application. In this chapter I try to show you how easy and power full is that connection.
During this chapter the app that I create will be counters, with some buttons that will be change counter value.
If you know Polish, you can watch the video on which this chapter is based: React + Mobx
Setup the environment
If you prepared in last chapter empty project react project, you need to add two libraries to your project mobx
and mobx-react-lite
pnpm install mobx mobx-react-lite
You should also delete all thing that we don't need in this project like styles.
Also the App
component don't need so much elements:
function App() {
return <div>
Create component for counter
Let's start building our counter. Should have place for displaying value and buttons for changing this value (-100,-1,0,+1,+100).
const Counter = () => {
return <div className="counter">
And of course we need to add this component to App
function App() {
return <div className="app">
<Counter />
And we should have:
Of course we can add more style to this app from this: style.css to file src/main.css
. Result should be similar to this:
Create store + First spell
We can use useState
to store value for this component:
const Counter = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
return <div className="counter">
<button onClick={() => setValue(value - 100)}>-100</button>
<button onClick={() => setValue(value - 1)}>-1</button>
<button onClick={() => setValue(0)}>0</button>
<button onClick={() => setValue(value + 1)}>+1</button>
<button onClick={() => setValue(value + 100)}>+100</button>
But in this case we can not access to this value outside component. We can move this value level up, but access also will be limited.
In this case we can build store outside react context to provide access everywhere.
export class CounterStore {
value = 0
constructor() {
reset = (): void => {
this.value = 0
add = (value: string | number): number => {
if (!isNaN(+value)) this.value = +value
return this.value
export const store = new CounterStore()
To say Mobx that this class will be store we need to use first spell makeAutoObservable
in constructor. After construction this object will be not normal object. Fields change to state, methods to actions and getter to computed values.
Import store to component + Second spell
So, if we have every thing we can just import this store and use in component:
import { store } from './Store'
const Counter = () => {
const { value, add, reset } = store;
return <div className="counter">
<button onClick={() => add(100)}>-100</button>
<button onClick={() => add(-1)}>-1</button>
<button onClick={() => reset()}>0</button>
<button onClick={() => add(+1)}>+1</button>
<button onClick={() => add(+100)}>+100</button>
But doesn't work, because we need to tell Mobx that this component using our store. We can do that using second spell:
const Counter = observer(() => {
const { value, add, reset } = store;
return <div className="counter">
And this is all magic that you need to know to starting working with mobx. But it isn't everything.
Global store + Action for adding
We also know the users. One counter is not enough for them. To solve this problem we can create new store that will be contain our CounterStore
export class Store {
counters: CounterStore[] = [new CounterStore()]
constructor() {
addCounter = (): void => {
this.counters.push(new CounterStore())
export const store = new Store()
Now, we need to adjust components.
const Counter = observer(({ counter }:{ counter: CounterStore }) => {
const { value, add, reset } = counter;
return <div className="counter">
function App() {
const { counters, addCounter } = store
return <div className="app">
{counters.map((counter, i) => <Counter key={i} counter={counter} />)}
<button onClick={addCounter}>+</button>
And we need to remember that App
now have some state that can be change why we need to add first spell and we can use this in the export line.
export default observer(App);
Limit number of counters
Sometimes we need to sey to users stop, you can not do this. You can only have 4 counters. So we can add geter that will be return true or false if user can add more counters.
export class Store {
get canAddMoreCounters(): boolean {
return this.counters.length < 4
addCounter = (): void => {
if (!this.canAddMoreCounters) return;
this.counters.push(new CounterStore());
If this getter change all components will be rerender.
We can disable or hide button if we full of counters.
function App() {
const { counters, addCounter, canAddMoreCounters } = store
return <div className="app">
{counters.map((counter, i) => <Counter key={i} counter={counter} />)}
{canAddMoreCounters && <button onClick={(addCounter}>+</button>}
Action for deleting
If we can add more counters, we also should have option to remove them.
export class Store {
removeCounter = (counter: CounterStore): void => {
this.counters = this.counters.filter(c => c !== counter)
const Counter = observer(({ counter }:{ counter: CounterStore }) => {
const { value, add, reset } = counter;
const { removeCounter } = store
return <div className="counter">
<button onClick={() => removeCounter(counter)}>X</button>
You can start from here using this project: after-action-for-delete or you can clone from this mobx-example and set branch to action-for-delete
Sum of all counters
export class Store {
get sum(): number {
return this.counters.reduce((p, c) => p + c.value, 0)
function App() {
const { counters, addCounter, canAddMoreCounters, sum } = store
return <div className="app">
<span className="all">{sum}</span>
{counters.map((counter, i) => <Counter key={i} counter={counter} />)}
{canAddMoreCounters && <button onClick={(addCounter}>+</button>}
- <span className="all">{sum}</span>
+ <div className='all counter'><span><span>{sum}</span></span></div>
Value to input
const Counter = observer(({ counter }:{ counter: CounterStore }) => {
const { value, add, reset } = counter;
const { removeCounter } = store
return <div className="counter">
<input value={value} onChange={(e) => add(e.target.value)}/>
<button onClick={() => removeCounter(counter)}>X</button>
Console in browser
declare global { interface Window { store: Store; }}
window.store = store
Reaction (Bonus)
Store state in url params
import { makeAutoObservable, reaction } from 'mobx'
export class CounterStore {
constructor(public value = 0) {
this.value = value
export class Store {
get toString(): string {
return this.counters.map(c => c.value).join(';')
fromString(value: string): void {
this.counters = value.split(';').map(v => !isNaN(+v) ? new CounterStore(+v) : new CounterStore())
export const store = new Store()
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
store.fromString(urlParams.get('value') || '')
reaction(() => store.toString, (value) => {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
urlParams.set('value', value)
window.history.replaceState({}, '', `?${urlParams.toString()}`)
declare global { interface Window { store: Store; }}
window.store = store
Autorun (Bonus)
Store state in localstorage
export const store = new Store()
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
store.fromString(urlParams.get('value') || localStorage.getItem('store') || '')
reaction(() => store.toString, (value) => {
const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)
urlParams.set('value', value)
window.history.replaceState({}, '', `?${urlParams.toString()}`)
autorun(() => {
localStorage.setItem('store', store.toString)
Summary and Ending